Make a Revision Poster

Make a Revision Poster

Create a one page A4 revision sheet on your chosen topic/theme.

Due Wednesday 13 November
Value: 20 (easy if it is well done) points.


1. John Knowles
2. Gene
3. Phineas
4. Elwin Leper Lepellier:
5. Brinkley Hadley
Cliff Quakenbush 
7. Chet Douglass
Mr. Ludsbury
9. Dr. Stanpole
10. Games and Sports
11. Truth and Falsehoods
12. Coming of Age novels
13. Map of the School
14. References to WW2

I will photocopy your poster, and so keep it neat, clear and informative!

Some suggestions to get you started:

1.     To what degree do you believe Gene is an “unreliable narrator”?
First-person narrators are characters within the story telling the events of the plot from their perspective. Sometimes, these characters deviate from the truth or have mental conditions that limit their abilities to tell the story accurately. We call these characters unreliable narrators. 
An unreliable narrator is a character whose telling of the story is not completely accurate or credible due to problems with the character's mental state or maturity. Some literary critics argue that there is no such thing as a reliable first-person narrator since every character is affected by his or her past experiences in the telling of a story, but most first-person narrators attempt to give the most accurate version of the events. An unreliable narrator, however, holds a distorted view of the events, which leads to an inaccurate telling of the story. This can give readers or viewers a chance to offer their own interpretations.
       2. What do you think of Gene’s idea that he was “used to finding something deadly in things that attracted me” and “if it wasn’t there, as for example with Phineas, I put it there myself”?
       3. Complete the quote, “My _________ from the first: to become part of _________.”
       4. Look at the closing pages of the novel. To what degree do you agree that Gene “killed his enemy” at Devon?

1.     Although very heroic, Phineas fulfils the role of victim at several moments in the text. Can you name them? For example, when do we see Phineas cry?
2.     Why do you think Knowles gave him two names, Phineas and Finny?
3.     Complete this quote: “Phineas was the ________ of this careless ________”.
4.      Consider the literary meaning of “fatal or tragic flaw”:
Tragic flaw is a literary device that can be defined as a trait in a character leading to his downfall, and the character is often the hero of the literary piece. This trait could be the lack of self-knowledge, lack of judgment, and often it is hubris (pride).

             What do you think is Finny’s “tragic flaw”?

Elwin Leper Lepellier:
1.     Comment on his name.
2.     Find a quote from the description of the “movie on skiing” and explain why this film was so important to Leper.
3.     Complete the quote: I’m ____________. You’ve never realized it, but I’m ___________ too. You be the ______.
4.     Consider these two character types. Where would you place Leper?

The Doomed Innocent: The classic Innocent is a child or naive person who symbolizes lack of understanding. In their innocence they may stray into the line of fire or otherwise suffer unexpectedly.

Bystanders are effectively innocents and may be shot, blown up or otherwise massacred by the needs of the plotline to create realism and sympathy.
Their being harmless, we easily like the innocent, although we may despair at their naivety. When they are harmed, we rail at the unfairness of it all (and the reflection how unfair the real world is).

The Madman: The Madman, like the innocent, does not understand what is really happening and so is likely to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They may also just exist in a tragic place, locked inside their own psychic prison.

We feel less sympathy for the mad person as this is tempered by the threat that they pose to us. They also remind us of our own secret insanities.

References to WW2:
1.     When do we see parachutists in the novel? What is the image given of them?
2.     When does Finny discuss the bombing of Europe with a Devon Master?
3.     Complete the quote, “We seemed to be nothing but _________ playing among _________ men.”
4.     Why do you think Knowles set his novel during the war? How does the presence of the war in the background change our interpretation of the characters’ actions?

Games and Sports:
1.     Using a quote, explain the name “Blitzball.”
2.     Complete the quote: Devon was both _________ and very __________.
3.     What are the consequences of Finny’s broken leg?
4.     Why do you think Knowles emphasized role of games and sports in his characters’ lives?

Truth and Falsehood:
1.     What are the two “truths” that are most questioned in the novel?
2.     What is the “hard truth” that Gene realizes?
3.     What is the “ugly truth” that is revealed during the trial/court scene? Why is this truth so very important to the novel?
4.     Do you think Gene, as the older narrator, has understood the “truth” of his childhood during the process of narrating the novel?

Coming of Age novel:
1.     What is the important age for someone to be in the novel? Include a quote that validates your answer.
2.     Can you contrast different moments in the text that show someone is gaining in maturity?
3.     Can you choose one specific moment that proves the secondary characters (the other boys at school) have gained in maturity?
4.     To what degree to you think this is a coming of age novel?

The map of the school:
1.     Visit:
2.     Why do you think it is important that the fictional school is a “total institution”, that is that the boys do not need to leave the school grounds during daily life? Equally, consider how, in many stories where the main characters are children/teenagers, the parents are absent. Why? How does their absence “liberate” the characters to lead more exciting lives?
3.     Rereading the novel, can you find the difference between the two rivers: the Devon River and the Naguamsett Rivers? Why does this difference exist? Why have 2 rivers?

John Knowles:
1.     What happened to Knowles when he fell from a tree?
2.     What nationality is Knowles? When was he born/When did he die?
3.     Complete the student quote: This novel is considered as an __________________.
4.     To what degree to you agree with the above quote?

Secondary Characters:

Be ready to be tested on other characters (

Brinkly Hadley:
1.     How does Brinkly dress?
2.     Describe Brinkley’s father? Why is his presence important at the end of the novel?
3.     Complete the quote: “he said in the ____________ way he had lately developed.”
4.     What role does Brinkley play? How does he effect the other characters and the action of the story?
Cliff Quackenbush -  The manager of the crew team. Quackenbush briefly assumes a position of power over Gene when Gene volunteers to be assistant crew manager. The boys at Devon have never liked Quackenbush; thus, he frequently takes out his frustrations on anyone whom he considers his inferior.
Chet Douglass -  Gene’s main rival for the position of class valedictorian. Chet is an excellent tennis and trumpet player and possesses a sincere love of learning.
Mr. Ludsbury -  The master in charge of Gene’s dormitory. A stern disciplinarian, Mr. Ludsbury thrives on the unquestioning obedience of schoolboys and works hard to restore order after the anarchic summer session.
Dr. Stanpole -  Devon’s resident doctor. Dr. Stanpole operates on Finny after both of Finny’s accidents. He is a caring man who laments the troubles that afflict the youth of Gene’s generation.
Mr. Patch-Withers -  The substitute headmaster of Devon during the summer session. Mr. Patch-Withers runs the school with a lenient hand.


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