Dear new student...
Hello everyone,
I have a little tradition at the end of each year....
I ask everyone to take 20-30 minutes and to write a letter to our future Pontonniers students.
What do I mean? Well, at this very moment, over a hundred students in troisième are enrolled to join us in September and have no doubt a full range of thoughts and emotions about what September will bring.
Consequently, I would like to invite you to write a letter to one of those students with the idea that they will receive your letter in September 2020, during their first week at Pontonniers.
The moment when they receive the letters is really lovely, and so I would love for you to email me a letter I could print and pass on.
What can you write in the letter?
The key is that I don't read the letters and so you shouldn't at all write to me or for me.
The idea is that you welcome them to the English section and to Pontonniers and give them an introduction to the school.
You can describe yourself and talk about your own experiences:
How did you feel when you arrived in the school ?
What nationality are you and how did you learn English - it can be reassuring for a new student from a francophone family that lives in the Vosges to know that you have had a similar journey, for example.
What type of experiences have you had since you arrived?
What have you liked, disliked so far about the school? Do NOT mention any teachers by name or by details that could identify them.
What do you wish you had known before arriving in the school?
My advice? Write to a younger version of yourself! Imagine a letter that you would have liked to receive during your first week at Pontonniers.
Of course, you can mention/describe your experience of confinement - as the student reading your letter also went through confinement (obviously).
You can give your contact details if you would like for the student to be able to talk to you 'in real life'.
Hoping - even during these strange times - you will be willing to give 20-30 minutes of your time (to be honest, I need at least 25 letters for one class... and 50 if I give them to my second class, and so I really need your help in order to keep the tradition alive this year!!).
Hoping you are all well,
ps/ please send your letter to my gmail account as a Word attachment (pdf, rtf, etc).
I have a little tradition at the end of each year....
I ask everyone to take 20-30 minutes and to write a letter to our future Pontonniers students.
What do I mean? Well, at this very moment, over a hundred students in troisième are enrolled to join us in September and have no doubt a full range of thoughts and emotions about what September will bring.
Consequently, I would like to invite you to write a letter to one of those students with the idea that they will receive your letter in September 2020, during their first week at Pontonniers.
The moment when they receive the letters is really lovely, and so I would love for you to email me a letter I could print and pass on.
What can you write in the letter?
The key is that I don't read the letters and so you shouldn't at all write to me or for me.
The idea is that you welcome them to the English section and to Pontonniers and give them an introduction to the school.
You can describe yourself and talk about your own experiences:
How did you feel when you arrived in the school ?
What nationality are you and how did you learn English - it can be reassuring for a new student from a francophone family that lives in the Vosges to know that you have had a similar journey, for example.
What type of experiences have you had since you arrived?
What have you liked, disliked so far about the school? Do NOT mention any teachers by name or by details that could identify them.
What do you wish you had known before arriving in the school?
My advice? Write to a younger version of yourself! Imagine a letter that you would have liked to receive during your first week at Pontonniers.
Of course, you can mention/describe your experience of confinement - as the student reading your letter also went through confinement (obviously).
You can give your contact details if you would like for the student to be able to talk to you 'in real life'.
Hoping - even during these strange times - you will be willing to give 20-30 minutes of your time (to be honest, I need at least 25 letters for one class... and 50 if I give them to my second class, and so I really need your help in order to keep the tradition alive this year!!).
Hoping you are all well,
ps/ please send your letter to my gmail account as a Word attachment (pdf, rtf, etc).
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